
I am looking for suggestions and pictures on placement on my Halon fire extinguisher in my RV7A.

Thanks in advance!

I am looking for suggestions and pictures on placement on my Halon fire extinguisher in my RV7A.

Thanks in advance!


On the forward-sloping face of the FI electric boost pump cover (which I lowered because I have the Andair pump, which is lower profile).
Mine is on the forward face of the flap actuator, between the seats. It is very easy to get to and does not take any space that otherwise would have been used for other purpose.
Right here

I needed it as forward as possible for W&B. I finally decided to mount it under the bracket that holds my throttle/mixture/prop rpm cables under the sub panel. I replaced the shorter bracket screws with longer ones so the extinguisher bracket could mounted directly under the sub panel. I love it. It is out of sight unless you lower your head and look for it. I'm not at home right now or I would send a picture.
I mounted my halo extinguisher horizontally on the cover in front of the spar, on the passenger side.

It is within reach and out of the way. I've never had a passenger mention they hit it and when I've flown from from the right seat, I have not hit it.

I used one of the existing holes and added a stiffener to the inside of the cover for the other hole and platenuts.
On the forward-sloping face of the FI electric boost pump cover (which I lowered because I have the Andair pump, which is lower profile).

Mine is here too (also the lifehammer).

One point. I did make the original mistake of buying the extinguisher with the plastic top and actuator. For a couple of years I fought with the cap popping off due to the loads imposed by the mounting bracket. Finally turned the whole thing upside down so the top and cap point down and forward. No more problems but I still would recommend avoiding the plastic cap unit. Get the better one with metal handle and actuator.
We placed ours on the shelf behind the copilot seat in the baggage compartment. Before we mounted it the we made sure we could reach it from the pilot seat.
Just an item for consideration...I thought of all sorts of places to mount mine, but ended up with it on the fuel pump cover *rather* than on the cross-member behind the seats or some other location aft because anything back there in the baggage area is essentially inaccessible in flight, so you might be able to reach the extinguisher and unlatch it back there, but *if you drop it*, you may not be able to get to it (and in the heat of an emergency, that scenario is not too far-fetched).

It wouldn't be easy to get if if fell down by your feet, either, but it'd be doable (pitch up and let it slide/roll back).

Just something to consider.
W&B should also be considered in its placement. Most -7s are tail heavy so putting it forward of the main spar would help a bit vs hurt a bit.