
Well Known Member
Hello VAF -
I am installing a Dynon HDX system with Dynon AP and servos in my 7A (removing my TT-385 system). Dynon website sizing chart says to use the sv-32 servos.

But - the Dynon dealer I am working with is suggesting I use the sv-42 instead (on both pitch and roll).

My thoughts - the 42 has more torque, but it also weighs a pound more than the 32, and has more residual drag. Unless I need the extra torque - why do this? I have searched the VAF threads, and have seen where on the RV9, some have gone to the 42, because the 32 slipped in turbulence - but I have not seen any posts related to the 7 needing the 42. I talked to my friend, Keith, and he is using the 32s - no problem.

So my question - did anyone have to change from 32 to 42 because of issues on a 7? Are any of you running 42s on a 7, and if so, why? All comments appreciated.

Thank you for your time and input;
I have the -32's in my 9A, and yes sometimes they will "roll-slip" in turbulence briefly as the wind buffets the airplane - but in just over 700 hours I have never had to take manual control in that case, nor has the aircraft ever banked more than about 10 degrees due to the turbulence. The servo may slip due to some particularly hard gusts but the AP keeps trying anyway - and a handful of milliseconds later the gust force will drop and the servo will catch and readjust - it's just that fast.

The only time I've ever seen "pitch slip" is during testing when I was abusing the trim servo.
AP servo

I had to upgrade to the 42 for my RV-8's elevator servo...I couldn't get past the setup procedure without clacking and slipping.
Don't know if my original -32 was defective or not, but the -42 works fine after 4 years of good use.
Use 32s

I installed the recommended 32s for pitch and roll 5 years ago on D10A, not that that should matter, and in the set up I only have the torque set at 80%. I have only occasionally gotten a yellow flag on ALT, and only when the plane is grossly out of trim that 1/3 to 3/4 turn on the manual trim knob remedies immediately. Usually happens when transitioning from normal climb to highish speed cruise and lower DAs. Have never had roll flag, ever.

Save the expense and wight as there is no issue to be solved. I speculate that -8s have a wider swing in fore/aft loading and likely folks not trimmed for hands off and hence the servo is preloaded just overcoming out of trim loads.