
I'm New Here
Hi all,

Quick question regarding the W&B in Foreflight. Any of you could share how they generated the CG profile view with the data provided?

You have to define all 4 corners of the envelope box.. for example, create a limit at
1.empty weight & most forward limit
2 gross weight & most forward limit
3 gross weight & most aft limit
4 empty weight & most aft limit
Below is a screenshot for my RV-8 that I setup a few years ago (ForeFlight may have changed since then). Substitute your RV-7 numbers in the 'Setup' tab. Note the items in the Red box. I arbitrarily chose 1,000 pounds for the lower limit of the chart.

When I set mine up you needed one for the normal max gross weight (Utility Category in the case of the RV-8 and RV-7), and another one for the aerobatic max gross weight (not shown below).

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