
So call me indecisive but, I?m considering my next build and have it narrowed down to either an 8 or a 7. Are any of the sub-kits interchangeable between the two? For example will an empennage or wing kit for a 7 work on an 8. If so then at least work on these before committing.
Sub kits

I believe they share the same wing and maybe HS, VS and Elevators but I think the rudder is different.
I believe they share the same wing and maybe HS, VS and Elevators but I think the rudder is different.

Yes, the rudder is different... the 7 comes with the 9 rudder, but the 8 rudder can be used on the 7. As a matter of fact, I?m building my 7 with an 8 rudder.
The Wings yes, the VS yes, Elevators yes, the HS no because the fuselage is wider on the 7 at the front of the HS. The rudder is different in the 2 kits but the 8 rudder can be used on either one. The original 7 came with an 8 rudder. Calling Vans to verify before you take the plunge would be highly recommended!
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I think the more appropriate question is "Here's my mission profile. Please help me decide between a 7 and an eight". May as well get it sorted now so that you can spend your build time thinking about the hundreds of other configuration questions that you have to answer during and after the primary airframe build.
If I was flying solo mainly I would build an 8, but if you fly with others often, sacrifice the 4kts or what ever it is and build a 7.
The wings share 95% of the same parts, but the spars are different lengths. 7 wings will not work on an 8 and vice versa.
The wings share 95% of the same parts, but the spars are different lengths. 7 wings will not work on an 8 and vice versa.

Not only that, but the bolt pattern in the spar stubs is different. So RV-8 spars will not fit a F704 fuselage bulkhead, and RV-7 spars will not fit an F804 fuselage bulkhead.
If you?re married and want your wife to like to fly with you, ask her which seating position she would prefer. This may be a critical detail for her and you?ll want her on board with the project.

Thanks for all the input! A phone call to Vans before proceeding is a definite must. As far as defining the mission goes; I want a sporty XC machine for 2 capable of light aerobatics hence a 7 or 8.

I'm finishing up a scratch built PA-18 clone this year so my wife will get plenty of time in the back seat of a tandem to think about it while I start on the next bird. I was hoping to begin on common assemblies while she decides.
Find at least one of each for both of you to sit in together if at all possible; the tandem seating will be very different than what's in your Super Cub clone.

I find the back of an -8 a torture device because of the leg position and can't sit there more than half an hour or so before going nuts, but others love it back there.