RV-7 OSH get-together

Thanks for putting on the BBQ.
It was great! I hope it's an annual event.
Your BBQ was one of my highlights of OSH-05.
Also, thanks for offering to get me back to
the College dorms. In about picture #8, I'm
standing on the left with Ralph Inkster (sp?)
in the middle and Ray Carter on the right.

I also want to publically thank Ray Carter for driving me
to the dorms. I wish I would have had the time
to see Ray's builder log and pictures, but I was a 'little'
tired by the end of the day.

Hope to see you all next year,
Tom Webster
Looks like great fun. Sorry I missed it. I'll have to make a better effort to get there next year.

I finally got the Flash show working OK in Internet Explorer, fyi.

Next year's BBQ is scheduled for

Wednesday July 26, 2006 starting at 6 p.m.

Darwin Barrie will be handling the cooking chores next year. I'm hoping to get a really nice grill over there...somehow. And we'll add corn-on-the-cob and hamburgers/cheeseburgers to the mix.
RV7 OSH Get-together

Bob, The gathering was a success. Thanks for sponsoring and advertising it.
Oshkosh BBQ

Whoa, hang on Bob, my contract was for cooking hot dogs. Now you are bringing on hamburgers, corn etc.... I don't know.


Again, thanks Bob. A great time and can't wait for next year.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
Baffled by Baffling

zspivey said:
Bob, The gathering was a success. Thanks for sponsoring and advertising it.
Hehehehe. No, we're not going to replace one harried cook with another harried cook. If I can get this grill I bought for my wife over there....I'll be able to handle corn and burgers...you handle the hot dogs.

I also brought way too much beer home, which means I either bought too much (I only bought two cases) or it was crappy beer (which, admittedly, it was)
Bob, Thanks for hosting the shindig!

Nice job on the flash slideshow.

But... how come in every picture, I have a beer in my hand!?!

Agreed - Great Time!!

Connie and I enjoyed the gathering as well and we really appreciate your efforts in hosting it.

We know you collected a few bucks to offset your expenses, but we don't feel you should have to bear the majority of the expenses. May we suggest that you make it more of a pot-luck effort next year? I know that those flying in have limited resources so it could still be voluntary, but I know if asked we and others would be happy to contribute a pot of potatoe salad or something. Perhaps a sign-up ahead of time could lessen the possibility of 20 bags of potato chips and 1 bag of cookies. Consider letting some of us help you out. Just a suggestion.

Thanks again! We enjoyed putting some faces to the names.

Tom & Connie Maxwell
Houston, Texas
RV7's Rock


Had a great time meeting many of our fellow RV7 builders in a marvelous and fun setting. Thanks for putting this together and I look forward to joining everyone again next year...only I hope not to be a builder but a flyer by then.

Mike Regen
N174MR (reserved)
The expenses weren't a big deal. After donations, the total net expense was about $200, but some of that was infrastructure that can be used again. Marshall donating the canopy was big...the 2nd campsite for several days is getting pricier, but I think it was acceptable. The reason I didn't do a pot luck is because I didn't have the tables -- or didn't think I would -- to put everything on, and pot lucks can be notoriously difficult if you're not absolutely SURE how many people are coming and that they'll all bring something. IN this case, we had peopel who flew in who had no transportation to get to a store etc., so I'd have been dealing with an unknown.

This is a learning process and after two of these, we have a pretty good idea what percentage of people say they will show up and don't. What percentage show up that we didn't know were coming, what the expected crowd will be...how many hot dogs they eat per person etc.

I strolled through the South 40 Tuesdya night and stumbled across a wonderful party put on by people who just show up every year. They had a little band, and lots of food and drink. I got some good ideas from them, but they didn't stat out this way.

Next year we'll have a better idea of what people want and I've got 51 weeks to figure out how to give it to them.