Does anyone know if Vans has any plans to update the 7 kit and plans to be like the 14? As I understand it, the 14 kit and plans are much easier to read and build with the "Matched-Hole" technology.
There are no plans to upgrade the plans but the RV-7 has always been extensively pre punched.
Just not to final size, so final drilling of the holes to size is required.
The other main difference is that there are a few parts on the RV-7 that have to be made from raw stock. The 14 kit provides all parts for the most part fully made with just some minor deburring, etc. required.
It could be worse...

You know you're in trouble when the plans say "Obtain Bauxite mine...":)

My distant recollection of the -7 instructions was the part where basically it says "you have learnt enough by now, get on and finish it" :D I think that was 3/4 of the way through the fuselage and before the finish kit.
The drawings are very good and the 11 x 17 book was a great resource to study the next steps in advance (even on international business trips).
Where to start

Should i start the build of the empenage with the horizontal or the vertical stabilizer
Howdy Ryan. I am currently building an RV-7. Check out my You Tube link below. As stated, I can confirm most all sheet aluminum is pre-punched undersize and final drilling is necessary and some parts fabrication is necessary from scratch. (Stock for said parts are included with the kits.) The Vans written instructions "hold your hands" less and less as you progress through the build but the full size prints are enough to find what you need to do.

The empennage kit written instructions begin with very detailed "hand holding" building the vertical stabilizer and your skills/knowledge progress from there throughout.
Should i start the build of the empenage with the horizontal or the vertical stabilizer

+1 for vertical. Also when you do get to the horizontal make sure you truly spend some time understanding how the front spar center area is done before drilling holes. I screwed that area up 2 times and reordered parts before getting it right.

Here is a link to my build log, it didn't start getting detailed until after the tail.
Progress (and tribute to Alex Sloan)

This thread reminds me of the late Alex Sloan ( who was an early builder of an RV-3. He told me he had to build from Van’s plans and he had to drive 2 hours to Birmingham to buy his aluminum. One supplier wouldn’t sell to him when he learned the aluminum was to be used to build a “home made AIRPLANE!”
The kits have come a long way.
I have zero empathy. I built a RV6 pre pre-punch. :D

My current RV-7 was a joy with the pre punch.

I know the RV-14 is even more pre-fab... but really no big deal.

Should i start the build of the empenage with the horizontal or the vertical stabilizer

Agree with others on the VS. Oiece of advise...NEVER, EVER start a component without searching VAF. A quick search with a part number will usually return hits on potential issues. Don't make our mistakes. Most issues are documented on the "Gotcha" thread.
Find a few builer logs to follow