

I'm building an RV7 and have started on the firewall. My planned engine is an IO-360-M1B.

While fabricating the auxiliary fuel pump doubler and laying out the hole placement, I was confused about how the platenuts were attached. Going further down the rabbit hole, I did a search on the recommended fuel pump to check dimensions and stumbled on the fact that the pump on the drawing is not recommended for fuel injected engines.


1. What auxiliary fuel pump is recommended for this engine?
2. Is a doubler required for installation?
3. If so, are there other plans (Firewall Forward) which would show the installation?

I don't want to box myself in by not approaching this problem when it's easiest to address it.

Thanks for your help!


Builder #72769
N727SN (Reserved)
The IO does indeed requiresa high pressure pum. On the -7 it is not on the firewall. On my -7A I built 20 years ago it was in the tunnel forward of the fuel selector. Airflow performance was the unit that Van's provided back then. I'm using an Airflow unit on my Rocket.
So: No doubler on the FW.
I'm surprised there isn't a note on the plans regarding the doubler in an IO build.

Thank you for your suggestion.

You saved me time and effort!

I’ll research a fuel pump and installation that is appropriate for my system.

Take care!
There is a drawing that shows the installation of the aux pump for an injected engine. I don't recall the number but you should find it in the OP drawings for the RV-7.

I was just logging in to reply to andoman that I found the Optional Plans drawing (OP-21) showing the High Pressure Fuel Pump installation, when I saw your post.

Thanks to you both for your help!
I made the same mistake and also have a redundant doubler on the firewall! Never mind!