
Well Known Member
After a one-year layoff (I had to go cover the DNC national convention in Boston last year which was during OSH), the "new" tradition of an RV7/A builder's social will return this year.

First, this note, we've had a crazy weather pattern in the upper great lakes this year which could affect OSH if it doesn't change soon. There were only 3 days in May in which it didn't rain (mostly showers) and so far in June it has rained every day to some degree. So, if you're camping, plan accordingly.

I've tentatively set the RV 7/7A builder's social for Wednesday July 27th starting at 6 p.m. Since it will be based at Camp Scholler, I don't have an exact location yet but it most assuredly will be in the field up by the West store, between the store and the showers out in the field. It's right on the main shuttle bus service. A cellphone number will be provided later.

Because I anticipate a good-sized crowd, I will be purchasing a second campsite and hopefully will figure out how to get a full-sized grill over to OSH along with all the camping equipment in a Chevy Cavalier (note: if you're from the Twin Cities heading over to OSH, and intend to camp, get in touch with me and maybe we can caravan and you can take some stuff).

We'll provide hot dogs and beer/soft drinks. You'll need to bring your own chairs and, if you're driving in, park somewhere else. If you're not camping at Scholler, or if you haven't flown in, you can't get in unless you purchase an overflow parking ticket ($10).

To defray the expenses of the extra campsite and food, we'll ask for donations (no more than $5), although nobody will be asked, or required, to do so.

We'll start the cooking but at some point -- since I don't want to spend the evening cooking -- our hospitality will consist of pointing to where the food is, pointing to where the barbecue is, and pointing to where the beer is (optionally, we may show you where the condiments are). When he beer and food run out, we'll point you to the West End store.

Spouses are welcomed. So are kids, unless they're the little rug-rat types who spend the night whining about wanting to leave.

Come when you want, stay as long as you like, but I'm going to bed at 11.
Hi Bob!

Shoot me a PM!

The guys from www.rivetbangers.com are planning a get together that night at a local steakhouse and I was planning on attending that.

Perhaps we could meet before or after, as I will be flying in for the week and either camping or renting a house.

:) CJ