
Well Known Member
Hi all,
i am looking at my subpanel layout for my RV9 and want to know what everyone thinks.

My equipment not on the panel is all Garmin:
G3X displays (GDU 430)
GNX 375 GPS/ xpnder
GNC 255 Com1 / nav
GMA 245 Audio panel
GMC 507 Autopilot controller
G5 backup attitude

Behind the panel:
GMA245R (GTR20) Remote Radio
GEA24 Engine interface
GAD 29 ARNIC interface
GAD 27 Airframe Interface (flaps, etc)

Here is my layout.
Please provide comments on the layout, especially the pieces on the subpanel.

Input from a complete Garmin panel user

Panel looks very nice. Great job mocking up boxes behind panel. One suggestion: switch the GEA24 with the GAD29 box as the GAD29 interfaces with the GTN650 and the GEA24 has all the engine probes that will pass through the firewall and can be tied along the outer edge under the panel until going through the firewall. I have a very similar setup in my -7 which has worked very well for me. If you'd like me to send a few pictures of my panel/subpanel, private message me your email. (I don't do well with posting pics!)
Back-Up Nav?

Very nice. Is there a back-up IFR nav to the 375? I see a lot of IFR glass panels with just one box for IFR navigation and approaches. Wondering if I?m missing something. Not criticizing. Just curious.
beta tester available

..uhhh?.I dunno John, that plan looks a little sketchy.

ahtellyuhwhut?..send all that stuff to me, I'll try it out in my plane, shake out all the bugs for a year or two, and get back to you on what you should do.
yeah, that's the ticket.....a 'beta' tester sorta.....

oh, and no extra charge, just 'cause!


P.S. nice panel, we are all envious, donchaknow!

Sit in the plane and imagine accessing every connection, and box reaching through the hole made by removing the screens in the panel. Only you can judge that. Nice looking panel. What are you doing for CB?s or fuses?

I mounted my transponder and ADSB receiver on the ribs in front of the sub panel thinking the likelihood of needing to get to them was slim....until I did the Dynon ADSB upgrade. Got it done but it could have been a lot easier.
A Vertical Power VP-X would be a nice complement to that panel! ;)