
I'm New Here
Good evening Gents,

I love my ?bullet? very much. And in many cases he punches above his weight. As my skill in formation aerobatics grows, and it pains me to say this, but as number two, I do not have the power required with my 0-320 150hp FP to keep up with the lead and others, RV8?s, especially in a climbing left turn at high DAlt. Never mind the loops.

So... I?m faced with a choice or decision, do I sell and outsource a share in a RV8 or do I keep bullet and upgrade the engine and prop and convert to a tail wheel.
I am leaning towards the later. Suggestions? Combinations of engine and prop?

Anyone been in a similar predicament? I?d appreciate any and all advice. I visit the website everyday, sometimes twice a day. Its great to read and learn what everyone has to say. Thanks in advance...
The RV6 is not "as" aerobatic as the 7 or 8. I would move up before upgrading with an eye on aerobatics.
RV-6A Upgrade

I have seen Van himself do an aerobatic routine in his RV-6A at Arlington a few years ago and it was every bit as good as his routine in his RV-4. So I don't agree that an RV-6(A) is not as aerobatic as a -7 or -8.

And I always thought "lead" was supposed to fly in such a way that his wingmen were able to maintain formation. "Lead's" throttle works both ways.

You may want to talk to lead about this first before any upgrades.
The "Bandit Formation Team" fly a mix of RVs. RV-14, RV-8s, RV-7s, RV-9, RV-4, and RV-6. There is a good mix of power plants and FP and CSP. We also have two YAKs in the group. We fly within the common flight envelop for all aircraft (turns out to be 120 kias) so all aircraft can keep station on each other.

I think we have 12 aircraft and pilots, but the maximum number of aircraft per flight is 6.

Maybe your team can find some common ground for all aircraft to participate in the formation work.
it can be done

I fly a RV-4 160 hp FP with the Renegade formation team and the lead accommodates my power deficit even at DAs over 10,000 feet.

Here is a video clip of me and an 180hp cs rv4 practicing for the formation aerobatic SAC endorsement evaluation.

Chris: the camera makes it difficult to gauge distance from the lead. Are you at wing tip clearance; 1/2 wing span; 1 wingspan...

Makes me want start doing formation aeros again!

Good stuff.