The builder can set the GW at anything they want and should test it to that weight. However, it doesn't mean it was designed for that increased GW.
What Bill said:

Which means that you can fly at 1800 pounds but if you pull a lot of excessive G's or make hard landings, don't be surprised if something gets bent.

Some early builders increased their gross weight to give themselves more useful load especially for ones that came out with high empty weights.

This is one reason why the RV-7 can be considered "more desirable" than a RV-6.
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When did the design gross weight of the RV6 change from 1600 lbs to 1800 lbs

Simple answer: It didn't.

Longer answer: Builders can choose whatever weight they like when they build the aircraft. Many have. Doing so doesn't change the design limits on the airframe, only the owner's comfort level with operating beyond those limits.