Great to hear the oldies but goodies are seeing a revival in kit production.

Lots more work but in the end well worth it

Cheers, Hans
Back to the future...

The Three, Four and Six truly are timeless airframes, I'm not surprised at the news.
I bought my RV4 tail kit in 1988, the RV4 wings and tail currently on my RVX were cut in North Plains in 1979.
Now the real question: With all of their metal cutting now on the CNC that cuts the new pre-drilled, fit-designed skins for the newer models, will they update it on the new 3,4 and 6 parts? :)

A pre-punched 3-4-6 would be truly, back to the future...
With all of their metal cutting now on the CNC that cuts the new pre-drilled, fit-designed skins for the newer models, will they update it on the new 3,4 and 6 parts? :)
A pre-punched 3-4-6 would be truly, back to the future...

It would be nice but I wouldn't hold my breath. I doubt that there will be enough of a market to justify the expense.
I'm glad that I ordered and received all the parts I need to finish my RV-4. (Mel, it won't be long before you get a call to come and make it an airplane)
I'm glad that I ordered and received all the parts I need to finish my RV-4. (Mel, it won't be long before you get a call to come and make it an airplane)

Looking forward to it. Always happy to see a new aircraft being "born"!
CNC is AOK...

Maybe using the old machines and tooling will be more expensive and it will be financially advantageous to use the CNC. Man, that's alot of holes not to have to drill...



PS: What does a modern RV3 style sportplane with pre-punched skins, RV8 landing gear, folding wings and more engine options look like? Van could learn from this one :)
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Maybe using the old machines and tooling will be more expensive and it will be financially advantageous to use the CNC. Man, that's alot of holes not to have to drill...


i agree with you smokey.

I think that updating the kit would increase sales, at least with the 4. I think there are a lot of builders building 8's that would be building 4's if they kits were at the same level. I'm biased, but I think the 4 is a lot better looking airplane than the 8.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
...A pre-punched 3-4-6 would be truly, back to the future......

As this is posted in the Rocket section, the return to inventory of these parts is welcome, but a "pre punched" 4 kit would really hurt the Harmon builders.
I have built two Harmon?s. you could order the skins non prepunched and order the wing spars unriveted. Most would opt for larger wing tanks anyways.
Yes there are a lot of holes to drill but making a wing rib drilling jig eliminates a lot of measuring. The jig is just a strip of metal the same length of the ribs. Clecoe it top and bottom thing drill away. Two are required, one for the top and bottom of the ribs.
Every plane I have built has taken about the same number of hours. The time saved on improved metal parts has been replaced with the extra time that all the new electronic devices and the associated wiring takes.
?SHACK? Smokey

Good call Billy Joe Ray Bob!

As a -4 owner/builder and having been an RV guy now since 1996 (saw my first -4 at OSH 1984 and WANTED ONE!), I?m noticing a BIG uptick in RV-4 LUV! In my Airpark alone there has been 4 RV-4 purchases in the last year. However I advice builder wanna-be?s to BUILD a RV-7 or 8 because the kits are sooooo much ?easier? (a ridiculous term I agree). Having owned all three but only built a four, there is no doubt the -4 flies better ?as a pilot? than the others and I know several ?other? RV drivers that have migrated back to the -4 for the ?look? and the ?feel?. In my humble opinion if Vans were to build an ?easy? (-er) -4 kit the masses would build it. There is still a market for ?sport? flying and as I?m seeing -4 prices in Barnstormers and TradeAPlane going North........why not Vans?

As always, dos centavos