
Well Known Member
I have posted this question in January and I am aware of all the folks listed through the vans website but I figured I would post again in the lucky event that there are some new players in the RV transition training game.

I?m in NC and am trying to keep it local. I know about Jan in FL But are there any other folks in the southeast who can give dual instruction in a tail wheel RV?

There is someone in Atlanta.

Mikey Mathews at Lake Norman (14A) can give you a tailwheel endorsement and if your -4 has rudder pedals in back, he may transition you.
There is someone in Atlanta.

Mikey Mathews at Lake Norman (14A) can give you a tailwheel endorsement and if your -4 has rudder pedals in back, he may transition you.

Any idea of who the person in Atlanta is? I can get rudder petals in this -4 but they won?t have the full throw so I?m not sure if they will be appropriate.

Another possibility...

Where in NC?
How much flying time do you have?
I'm in Waxhaw and flew mine with a few tailwheel hours and an endorsement in an Aeronca Champ out of Monroe.
Thousands of big airplane hours, but only a couple hundred small plane hours. -4's are quite easy to handle.
Not trying to change your mind, just suggesting another option that worked well for me.
The right hand seat in an RV 6 will be quite close to the front seat in a 4. (stick in the right hand, throttle in the left hand and the same wing)

If you can find somebody ( instructor pilot & owner) with enough time in his 6 to let you fly from the RH seat it will get you as close to ready in a 4 as anyone can be. However, solo in a 4 is a very large change in C of G vs having a back seat passenger in a 4. Pitch feel and response will be vastly different.
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The main issue is with the insurance requirement and not so much my aptitude; they want 10-hous dual. I?m in central NC, near RDU and TTA. Thx
had the same issue when I bought my -4. I had 10+ in an RV-7 and none in a -4. no throttle or rudder pedals in the back seat so made no sense to put an instructor back there to just ride along. Insurance company told me to go fly it one hour solo, log it, and I would be good to go. now, I have several hundred hours in my Luscombe so I'm not sure if that made a difference or not with the one hour request.
rv4 transition training

If you already have tail wheel time then flying tailwheel 6 or 7 will get you ready
for your 4. The site picture from left or right seat in these aircraft are close enough. If you don't have tail wheel time then I would get some in a Cub or Citabria, or Luscombe or whatever is available then find the RV for final prep.I had extensive 150 hp Citabria time so I found a Citabria and instructor and got refamiliarized with that aircraft then did a half day with another instructor in a RV6. First flight landing my 4 was a breeze. My two cents.
Thx for all the responses...it seems the field of transition training CFIs with planes to train in is getting smaller so it is still the usual suspect it seems.