Hello VAF,

I am very new to the RV scene. Other than taking a ride in an RV7A, my only real experience with RVs is looking at them from a distance at the many fly ins I've attended. I just sold my Cherokee 140 to buy an RV4 and will hopefully have it in the next couple of weeks after some major maintenance items are taken care of. I will be working on my tail wheel in a Citabria this upcoming week, but I wanted to come on this forum and see if there are any local RV4 owners that would be willing to show me the ropes of an RV4. I'm local to the Jacksonville, FL area. I have a few phone numbers and emails of some guys I met during the Fall of last year, but I figured I'd look on VAF first before cold calling some guys I barely know and guilt tripping them into letting me see their RV.

A little bit about me: I'm a 260 hour instrument rated ASEL pilot, most of my flight hours are split between flying home to Mississippi, sight seeing around Pensacola, and going to fly ins near Jacksonville. I'm also in the local Civil Air Patrol Squadron (still fairly new), and prior to Covid I was fairly active in going to FAA Wings seminars/IMC Club meetings at the local EAA chapter on Craig Field.

Any general tips for the RV4 would be much appreciated! I've done a ton of Googling, but sometimes it's hard to pick out the forest from the trees as far as figuring out the most important aspect to look for/think about then it comes to these kind of things.

Welcome Mikey

It sounds like you already have a bird lined up to buy?
If you haven't already hired an expert for this buy (or the RV-4 you eventually choose) have it inspected by a knowledgeable RV builder. Try to find someone who's built an RV-4 or RV-6 because these planes require a higher level of skill to complete than the planes Van's sells that are pre-punched and/or quick builds. The guys here will steer you to qualified builders in your area to help you make the right choice of a properly built plane that you will be proud to own.
Good luck!
Welcome to the -4!

Mikey, you have chosen well! First off, tell us all a bit about the -4 you are acquiring? There will likely be many comments and pointers to this post, so start taking notes. They are all similar, but depending on landing gear, engine,prop,flaps (electric/manual) and other such items, variations in flight characteristics can be discussed. Obviously, finding a local RV guy in general will be your biggest bit of help. I recently flew an RV-4 to NC that a friend bought at Jumbolair in Ocala..he had zero tailwheel and only about 120 hrs. TT in 172's. He spent a few days down in Okeechobee with Jan Bussel in his -6 and gained his endorsement as well as RV transition and is now having a blast with the -4...that may be worth your while for the same reasons. I have a -4 that I built (flying for 11 yrs now), and would be glad to talk specifics if your interested. Send me a PM with contact info if you'd like to chat...get ready for some fun!!
Hey Mikey, welcome! I’m a short flight up to you from the south and could show you my RV-4. Shoot me a PM and I should be available after the first eeek in September, I’ve got a P-mag off the plane right now enroute to TX for rebuild but after that I could fly up and you could check it out.

Check out this post. Lots of good info.....

OK. So I don’t know how to copy a previous post to a new one, but check out:

RV-4 as a 200hr pilot? - Posted 8/24/20. Lots of good info.
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a very good source that is not to far away is jesse saint at saint aviation at X35. he knows rv's well. Im down at KFMY, which is a bit far, but if your ever down this way stop by.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB