
I'm New Here
I am very close to committing to ordering an RV4. All kits at once (I'll explain why in a sec).

I am putting together a spreadsheet of of expenses: airframe, engine, avioncs, plus the options I want.

Here's my question: can someone give me the blank/basic measurements of the instrument panel? I know it's tight in the cockpit, so in planning for the avionics I'm really trying to figure out what I can squeeze in there. If someone can give me the dimensions, I'll be able to get some graph paper and draw in some options.

I know the RV4 has been discontinued. I know there can be a delay in ordering parts, etc. I get it.

I did speak to one of the women who take the orders, and she mentioned to me that they have RV4 parts on the shelves still and that they won't know what parts are missing from a particular kit until they start to fill the box with parts for a kit. She told me that there could be a delay of up to a year for any missing parts for a kit. She was unable to tell me which kits they were currently missing parts from.

Even so, I can't let go of my dream for an RV4!

To limit the delay in receiving any missing kit parts, my plan is to order all the kits at once. The idea being that they'll obviously inventory their shelves for what's missing for each kit, ship me what they have, and in theory I'll only have to wait at most a year for the remainder of the parts.

Hopefully another RV4 builder can get me the instrument panel dimensions, so I can plan for what avionics I want and complete my spreadsheet! Pics of completed panels and/or blank panels would be helpful too.

Thanks in advance.

Did this one a while ago, came out very nice.
You could replace the 370's with touch screens, replace the GTR200 with the new GNC355 and install a G5 for a full IFR setup.


Her's another one I did, had to extend the panel a little on this one to get the AP controller in. (G5 wasn't out yet so the GRT was the backup).


I used to rib guys RV-8 guys that their panel cost more than my whole airplane but I think its true now!

Homebuilding sure has changed!
Thanks, Walt! The pics are great and give me just what I need for the visual.

After looking at your website, I have a few more questions. I?ll email them to you.

Thanks again!
Something to think about on the -4 is how low you can mount radio racks and longer things (instruments with depth). There is a bulkhead (F-402C) located behind the panel running the width of the airframe (from memory) about 5" behind the panel . Lots of -4 panels with radio racks mounted low have cut right through this bulkhead. You build the homebuilt that suits you, but I don't know if that's the smartest idea. EFIS' don't usually have too much depth so their safe.

In my panel here, the Garmin GTX327 radio rack is sitting on top of that aforementioned bulkhead. It can't go any lower. The wide angle photo is deceiving but there's about 1" of unused panel space below the 327.

Also of note, I raised the lower edge of the panel about 1" for knee room. I'm 6' even and even though, I didn't really need the extra knee room, it's nice to have.

For your planning purposes, This panel is about $12-13k as it looks. Not in view is a uAvionix Echo for ADS-B in/out.

An option might be to buy a prebuilt RV-4 and do some updates like replacing the panel. I?ve seen some RV-4s for sale at a reasonable cost but the majority seem to have older instrumentation. Some may need a little freshening but still a lot less work than starting from the beginning.
I am very close to committing to ordering an RV4. All kits at once (I'll explain why in a sec).

I am putting together a spreadsheet of of expenses: airframe, engine, avioncs, plus the options I want.

Here's my question: can someone give me the blank/basic measurements of the instrument panel? I know it's tight in the cockpit, so in planning for the avionics I'm really trying to figure out what I can squeeze in there.

I know the RV4 has been discontinued. I know there can be a delay in ordering parts, etc. I get it.

Even so, I can't let go of my dream for an RV4!

Thanks in advance.

Jeff to be blunt get the kit and build it. Worry about the panel later. You are a few years away from buying a panel. Also avionics will change between now and then. They are getting more integrated and cheaper. You will have plenty room with today's glass panels. I flew my RV-4 for 6 years and 800 hours before selling. I had a full IFR steam gauge panel on my RV-4. You can build a basic VFR panel glass display for under $10,000 using portable GPS. If you want deluxe IFR all bells and whistles $30,000 and room will still not be an issue. Don't waste time. Start driving rivets. RV-4 is a great choice. :)
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I put in a full EFIS (VFR) from MGL - the iEfis lite. It was $3.5k give or take. It does everything - flight inst, engine inst, moving map, auto pilot, touch screen, totally costumizable, checkbook balancing and it will do investment optimization as well. Ok, I lied about the last 2. By the time I have my RV flying, say in a year and a half, this efis will be obsolete. You are years from needing to choose avionics. You have no idea how big of a project this is. NObody does until they are well in to it. The avionics available when you really need them will be totally different than what there is now. It will be cheaper, more compact, more capable and easier to install than what there is now. Different boxes likely have wireless connections or something that nobody has even imagined.

Everybody loves playing with panels, but it makes no sense to do it at this stage.
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Message heard loud and clear! All good points. I?ll worry about the panel when I get to it!

Thanks for all the information and suggestions.
I put in a full EFIS (VFR) from MGL - the iEfis lite. It was $3.5k give or take. It does everything - flight inst, engine inst, moving map, auto pilot, touch screen, totally costumizable, checkbook balancing and it will do investment optimization as well. Ok, I lied about the last 2. By the time I have my RV flying, say in a year and a half, this efis will be obsolete. You are years from needing to choose avionics. You have no idea how big of a project this is. NObody does until they are well in to it. The avionics available when you really need them will be totally different than what there is now. It will be cheaper, more compact, more capable and easier to install than what there is now. Different boxes likely have wireless connections or something that nobody has even imagined.

Everybody loves playing with panels, but it makes no sense to do it at this stage.

Can you hook up a IFR navigator (i.e. gns430w) to the lite version? I know you can with the non-lite.