G’day all
Juts purchased my first RV and love it
I’m looking at upgrading the Panel with Dynon sky view 7” would anyone have any pictures of their lay out of a similar size screen? I’m wanting to put in the Garmin Navigator 175 and backup AV30-E
Possibly electric flaps
This is the current panel in it


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i have a 10" skyview in my 4. i would not recommend a 7" single screen. it's just to small to display all the information. by going with a dynon transponder, and a remote radio, you can free up panel space. getting the 175 in with a 10" skyview might be a bit tight though without an oversize panel.
Consider keeping the steam gauge look? It looks "period correct" in the RV-4, and that airplane is designed for simple, loop-and-roll fun anyway. If you want to upgrade, I think there is a company that makes all-electronic gauges that are designed to look mostly like the older gauges, with a few improvements. They look very sharp..
First pic - My original RV4 panel: (this is an airplane I purchased - didn’t build).

Second pic - my upgraded panel, mostly GRT stuff:

You’ll love the RV4. It’s the best flying airplane I’ve owned. I like my other RV’s too, but none of them flew/fly as nice as my 180hp RV4. It was light weight and simple. It had two WAAS gps’s, so navigation was a snap. Why would I sell such an airplane? Good question……. I’m married, and tandem doesn’t work with that In my case ……….


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My original panel was an abortion! I considered (briefly) spending big bucks on fancy screens etc but realised that it’s a VFR fun machine, money i saved will keep me in fuel for a long time. Each to their own but I bought my 4 for fast fun looking outside the canopy👍


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First pic - My original RV4 panel: (this is an airplane I purchased - didn’t build).

Second pic - my upgraded panel, mostly GRT stuff:

You’ll love the RV4. It’s the best flying airplane I’ve owned. I like my other RV’s too, but none of them flew/fly as nice as my 180hp RV4. It was light weight and simple. It had two WAAS gps’s, so navigation was a snap. Why would I sell such an airplane? Good question……. I’m married, and tandem doesn’t work with that In my case ……….
Wow, you’ll never have to look outside😂
I'd keep the manual flaps, I've got electric and they take 8-12 secs to cycle. You want to be able to dump lift quickly once your on for short field and cross winds. I've also had the motor fail in mine, I wanted to go back to manual but it was too much work. In saying that the conversion to the PH Aviation flap motor was alot more effort than I thought. If your hell bent on electric the PH aviation flap motor is less expensive and far more powerful/reliable option to the original vans. You really should just fly the plane. I've been on the ground for 5 weeks now installing lights, I guess I will be happy when I can do sunset flights in the summer but I'm not happy right now. I've spent a ton of money and no flying......
I went full glass years ago in the RV4 and Pitts. The -4 is my daylight Spitfire fighter with which I challenge all that arrive in our airspace. Come on down, I'll provide the beer!


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