
Well Known Member
I searched around and didn?t find too much info online...perhaps and hopefully because it is straight forward but are there special considerations to take into account when replacing the aileron bearings in an RV4? It looks to be as simple as removing the nuts / bolts and aileron and just pressing the old bearing out and replacing it. If anyone here has experience with this process any advise offered will be greatly appreciated.

Aileron bearing

On my 6 I had to replaced the outer bearing.
The bearing is sandwiched between the two riveted plates.
I drilled out 2 rivets holding the 2 plates together near the bearing. Spread the plates apart enough to remove the old bearing and replace with the new. Then squeeze in the new rivets.
Good luck
On my 6 I had to replaced the outer bearing.
The bearing is sandwiched between the two riveted plates.
I drilled out 2 rivets holding the 2 plates together near the bearing. Spread the plates apart enough to remove the old bearing and replace with the new. Then squeeze in the new rivets.
Good luck

What he said. You can not press the bearing out. You must take the two plates apart.