Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
The drawings show the fuel selector valve in the forward left corner of the control stick "box". This would require me to loosen shoulder harnesses to reach in flight. That's not a show stopper for me personally, but I believe there is a requirement to reach it while "secured".

Before I invent my own solution, I would appreciate your input on where your valve is located and how you reach it. I am well versed in the discussion of "pointer vs. handle" and " pass through off, or not".
There is not very many choices when it comes to the fuel selector location. The top left is the most logical if you are holding the stick with your right hand. I have no problem reaching mine while belted in. You also don't have much room to route the fuel lines inside the plane. My current setup is about as simple as you can get it.
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Ours is there too (although not quite a neat and clean as Arlies setup - wow). I've never needed to loosen my shoulder straps to reach it either...

That position just works. Why modify?