
Active Member
Just like to say hi, I’m beginning a build of a RV4, I built a 8 years ago an am looking forward to the 4. Sence the 4 design is 40 yrs old this year. No prepunch or match hole construction, it’s a homebuilders delight.. semi retired from nursing after 27 yrs.. stay tuned ..
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Welcome to VAF!

I think fewer and fewer of us get to build an RV these days the way the RV-4 is built. It's a worthy project and I bet you'll really enjoy it. Hope so anyway.

I'm building an RV-3B, with quite similar issues and problems. It's been a kick, but it's not going nearly as fast as I thought it would.

Anyway, have fun and keep us posted.

Don?t build to fly, build to build, and once done proudly state ?yep, I built it myself!?.
Having a recent set of plans, one hopes Van got rid of all the mistakes in em, revisions kept coming until late...

Good luck with the build of what still is the sexiest RV (the cutest being the -3) on the line :)