
Well Known Member
There are so many beautiful build logs out there for other airplanes
I imagine when the 4 was popular things like blog spot and you tube didn’t exist
It seems the world is lacking a nice Rv4 build log.

Does anyone know if one?

There are a couple good ones out there, but as you said the platform of blogs and videos were slim for most RV4 builds..I took 15 years to build mine, the internet only available the final few years. Before that, it was all paperback and group meetings. It's a passion to build the -4, and not everyone is made for it. I'd be glad to share phone call sometime if your interested, as you have to be beyond commitment to start a -4 ... but it's worth it!

I set up a camera on a tripod and take a picture of me at work, every so often and transfer those to a hardware stick. The inspector can then sit and watch the pictures of your build proof when the time comes.

I started my RV4 in October of 1986 and flew the 6th of June 1989. I had good intentions of keeping a build log and got two pages of lined notebook paper filled up. It seemed my time was better used at working on the kit rather than worrying about shuffling papers and taking scrupulous notes. Instead, I took pictures the old fashioned way and hoped the inspector looking at the finished product would be happy with the 50 or so pictures.

When she was completed, the DAR walked around the plane,looked at the workmanship and spent a bit more time completing the paperwork than he spent on the inspection.

The most significant thing I can remember about the completion of the plane was that I had just transitioned to the 767 and the check airman heard about my project. While sitting in the little room with the panels up on the wall and me, prepared to answer all his questions, he asked me if I had any pictures to look at. I whipped out my pictures like a card shark and spread 'em out on the table. For the next 55 minutes he questioned me for all kinds of details and what went into building an RV4. Finally he senses we're getting close to the hour provided to pass the oral when he points to a switch and asked me the function. With that the oral was completed and I had the RV4 and transition in hand.

It's not like that anymore I gather and am glad the pictures were worth a thousand words.

Cheers, Hans.

I did the same, photos with labels. Most 35mm film. Im glad I did as it contains pictures of my kids with different assemblies or sitting in the “canoe”. The oldest was about 4 then and now in her 30s with 3 kids.

Back then the 4 was considered an easy build and the best kit on the market.
