What is the problem to be solved ?

Mine is per plans with the exception of some Delrin parts made in my lathe. Not sure that was necessary compared to Vans plan. It works great though.
Made mine to the plans with one exception (copied from Tony Spicer?s RV-3B). I modified the locking arc so that after pushing the unlock button at fully retracted position, you only pull up on the flap lever to select the next and subsequent notch of flaps. You only push the button again to retract the flaps. Difficult to describe but the result is similar to a sawtooth pattern.
You just ramp the top of the notch so the pin can just slide out without pushing the button. Do not do this on the first (flaps up) notch.

I did this eight years ago on my 6A and it is great to just grab and pull for second and third settings.
Rv3b flap lever

I shortened the flap lever to stop fowling with the throttle quadrant that I used. Saw toothed the notches for ease of lowering flaps . All else as per plans.
Steve Lenne

Rv3b built and love the flying.