I'm New Here
So I don't want to bother the mothership just yet. I am considering building an RV-3B. My question is looking at the study plans, it seems that you could scratch build a complete plane.

I wonder if Van's would support such an endeavor? Can you "purchase" a builder's number and plans/instructions and recieve support for plans building?

I would purchase items like the spars, weldments, gear legs, etc. But source, cut and form sheet and other airframe part and supplies myself.

It is an idea I am strongly considering. I know the 3 is a plane that is not for the faint of heart to build. I have the skills and equipment to do it. It would be a long term project, but oh so enjoyable!
I am building a 3B. It is a challenge. You have to make everything fit but I enjoy the challenge. If Vans would sell you the spar alone I would say go for it. It would be a difficult undertaking

Bob Grigsby
The things that you would have difficulty making would be the spar and the engine mount. These are not well documented.

The tailspring that's supplied is 7/8" diameter, compared to the 3/4" diameter in the plans. The smaller diameter was used on the earlier RV-3s, so they do work. The plans do show the heat treatment. The tailspring fitting that's supplied fits that tailspring but does not fit the fuselage at all. Mine took a lot of rework to fit. One owner reported that the current tailwheel assemblies don't fit the smaller tailspring and need a bushing there. They do fit the supplied tailspring, so the diameter at the aft end has changed, too.

Other than those, you could probably do it. It's just a lot of work. I'm past the tenth anniversary of starting mine and have over 6,400 hours on it. Granted, I'm slow and have made a few mods, but still.

This is my VAF blog. I think it may still be the only RV-3B VAF blog on the site, maybe at all. Heck, if you find another, please let me know.


I applaud your willingness to think along the line of build from scratch. Like others have said your concerns will be major components. The -3B wing kit is months before availability. I recently checked on an engine mount to change my conical to dynafocal and it has a long lead time. That being said I have fuel tank parts that I will not use: ribs and skins if you decide that you need them.

I am counting my restoration in years because the time it has taken to figure out how to take something apart and put it back together. There again this is the "eating the elephant" process and am getting closer to the time to fly.

I have actually Spoken to the Mothership, and it does seem they allow plans building from the study plans ( it contains everything you get with the kits). I can print off what I need at one of my print companies I deal with. Vans will sell parts (such as the spars) from what I am understanding. Seems they dont really "support" plans building in the sense that you are not going to get tech support like buying a kit, your "kinda" on your own.

David, I am actually a fabricator, welder and weld inspector by trade. I actually can make all the weldments and could actually make the gear too. However some items like the gear I would probably purchase rather than fabricate. Things like the tailwheel weldment sounds like would be better for me to just make my own after your adventures. And I have been reading your build/blog, it has been a very informative read, thanks for the time you have spent on it!

RV3Bob, I am really considering the "hard path" I enjoy building, fabricating and solving problems. This would be a long term, side project for fun that I can likely eventually fly.

Flyjon57, Thanks for the words, and thank you for the tank parts offer.
I built a -3b and I’m currently 50% through an RV-7. The -3 is significantly harder but also much more satisfying. I don’t think a scratch built -3 would be much more difficult than the “kit” 3. You already have to fabricate most brackets from raw stock and all skins are trimmed from all sides. You would have to roll the leading edges and hammer out the bulkheads. Most of the fiberglass work is hand made due to poor quality.

I’ll probably scratch build a pitts someday on an ultra long timeline because it sounds really rewarding.
People have designed built their own aircraft from 1903 onwards. Vans himself has scratch built the first RV3. So it will be certainly doable. At least you've got some drawings as a starting point.

Good luck and enjoy the process!!!!
I applaud your willingness to think along the line of build from scratch. Like others have said your concerns will be major components. The -3B wing kit is months before availability. I recently checked on an engine mount to change my conical to dynafocal and it has a long lead time. That being said I have fuel tank parts that I will not use: ribs and skins if you decide that you need them.

I am counting my restoration in years because the time it has taken to figure out how to take something apart and put it back together. There again this is the "eating the elephant" process and am getting closer to the time to fly.



I have a mid-time, 150 hp, conical-mount O-320 that I am no longer using and that you might be interested in? Not in a hurry to sell at all, and I'd have to get the carburettor back from the RV3 builder that borrowed it from me. But just saying.... :D
O-320 engine


Thank you for that offer...I may have found an engine right here under my nose.

Within 8 miles!

I will let you know if I can make a deal.
