
Active Member
I would like opinions about when to install flaps and ailerons. Before you install the wings or after the wings have been installed.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
After for sure, the wing will be difficult to pick up and maneuver with them on and very likely they will get damaged.
I installed mine in the wing stand, fit the wing tips with hinges to attach, and had everything on the wing done except for installing to the fuse. Then I took off the flaps, ailerons and tips for the wing installation.
I attached the wings to the fuselage with the flaps and ailerons attached, since I had already rigged them in the wing stand. But, each member of my group of 4 guys had experience installing RV-14(A) wings previously, so I felt comfortable leaving them on.

If I were to do it myself or with only one other person, I'd keep the wings as light and nimble as possible and thus would remove the flaps and ailerons.

I also installed mine with the tips, flaps and ailerons installed. I had 2 other people beside me who were experienced with RV assembly. We briefed beforehand where you could grab the wing and where you couldn't. Everything went without a hitch.

My example shows only that it can be done with the control surfaces and tips in place. Whether or not it should be done is a different question. Doing it the way I did likely saved me only about 60 min of time taking off the control surfaces and tips and then reattaching them. If you don't have experienced help or any help at all, I would consider taking them off as there is less risk and it isn't a particularly onerous job.
Thanks for all the responses.

I think I will take the conservative approach and install them after wings installed. With my luck I would damage. I am a first time builder and I do not have any RV builders in the immediate area.
None issue, but most people are usually waiting for the next kit after finishing the wings so installing the flaps and ailerons on the wing stand making sure everything lines up and removing them for install. I found leaving them on the wing in the wing stand was a good storage place.
Wings are easy to install with flaps and ailerons on them. If you already have them on the wing I would not take them off strictly for installing the wings on the fuse.