
Looking for an RV14A Transition Trainer near or willing to travel to central Alabama for a 2-hour checkout for insurance requirements.
Do you have an aircraft? If your insurance company would accept RV-6 time, I'm a CFI.
I'm a CFI with RV 4/6/7/9/10/12 experience and live fairly close. I have not flown an RV14.
Is the plane provided?
Is this for you or someone else?
2 hours? If the pilot has zero RV experience it typically takes longer to get proficient.
If you just want to log 2 hours regardless of proficiency I would not be interested. Transition training is not pass/fail and no endorcement is required (but I will make a log book entry if needed).
PM if you like to discuss. What time frame are you looking at.. Best of luck.
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Sorry for thread drift. Did your insurance broker say why the insurance company wants a 2 hour check out, when you previously built and, I presume, flew a -14?