
Just interested in what oil temperatures you are seeing during climb/cruise in your 14s. I flew a xc this weekend and saw 217 degrees on a 120 kt climb to 10000 feet. Cruising at 10000 feet oil dropped slowly to 204 degrees. It was a warm day in TX. Just curious.
I'm seeing similar numbers. I think the highest oil temp I've seen is about 220 - I typically climb about 140 kts. During cruise (very dependent on leaning) mine drops to the 190s or low 200s. Engine is a Superior XP400 - this has a cold air induction sump, so the incoming air is not warmed by the oil sump, but also the oil is not cooled by the incoming air.

I'm very curious what the numbers will be when it gets really hot (also in TX). A friend recently bought an RV-14A from Alex D of transition training fame. Alex had his built with a 2nd oil cooler (also a Superior XP400) mounted in series in the traditional rear baffle location. This will be my Plan B if I have serious issues.