
Good morning RV14'ers,

I'm in the process of clearing my 14 for aerobatics in the UK and the test schedule is heavily focussed on spin recovery. Might anyone here be able to offer me an insight into the 14's spin recovery behaviour? I found a very useful video on YouTube - - but some narrative on behaviour would be really useful.

Kind regards,

Good morning RV14'ers,

I'm in the process of clearing my 14 for aerobatics in the UK and the test schedule is heavily focussed on spin recovery. Might anyone here be able to offer me an insight into the 14's spin recovery behaviour? I found a very useful video on YouTube - - but some narrative on behaviour would be really useful.

Kind regards,


1st thing I noticed watching this was how much faster the Garmin G5 recovered than the Dynon. Not trying to compare or promote one over the other, just an observation.