
Well Known Member
What sort of climb performance are those of you who have completed their 14s getting ? Specifically I'd be interested in climb at 6000 and 8000'. With OAT of 80 degrees.

As I think more about the type of flying I do I realize that I need good high density altidtude performance based on the temperature here (Arizona) and some of the airport altitudes I like to fly to.
Sounds like you should build a -9. It has the best high altitude performance of all the RV's due to its unique wing / airfoil.

Don't believe me? Compare the numbers on the Van's Aircraft site for the -7 & -9 when both are equipped with an O-320.
I steered towards the 14 because I was so spoilt building a 12, the instructions and kit quality are amazing. The 12 just took me 12 months from start to finish.
The 14 will be fine for your high altitude operations. It really appears to have almost the same characteristics of the RV-10, meaning it climbs really well, cruise speeds are about the same (north of 165 knots depending upon temps and weights), and carries a nice load. Plus it's really comfy, being as large as it is in the cockpit.
I've been flying Van's demo 14 (built by Mitch Lock) quite a bit, including the trip to OSH. I wasn't so sure I would like going back to a 2 place after 2000+ hours in the 10. But I have been pleasantly surprised, even wowed, every time I take off. The climb rates and deck angles are really steep.

BTW, same reaction regarding the 12. What a really neat, comfortable light plane, with awesome visibility, and great performance. I think everyone should have one of these just for the sheer fun. The fuel burn just about equals lunch money. :) No $100 hamburger here.

Yeah, I'm the East Coast rep but I don't get anything for sales. These are just my reactions I thought I would share. :)

Vic, what's the pilot height limit on an RV 12?

Hmmm...I don't know for sure. I saw some pretty big/tall people in it at OSH, and my son at 6'2' fits in it really well, with lots of headroom.

Sometimes it really matters on where your height comes from. I've seen people of the same measured height have more or less headroom because they had most of their height in their torso or legs. I'm about 5'11" and meaured about 3" of headroom. The cushions are 6" thick, so there might be some room there to adjust as well.
