
Well Known Member
I?m a little confused by the statement in BOLD on 18-04

?Remember to dimple the opposite direction on the T-1005C & T-1005B shims for the right side of the aircraft?.

Please reference pictures below and areas denoted w/ blue outline.....
Other notes and highlights aren?t applicable .

It seems that if I have the Right Wing bracket oriented correctly in regards to the flange and bearing orientation to match the left wing as depicted on 18-06 and the shims placed to match the pre-drilled holes, then the dimples should correspond accordingly without regard to the direction of the dimples. Am I missing something in this statement?



The warning is because the parts are not symmetrical so when the part is installed on the right side, it needs to be flipped 180 degrees (the top will be the bottom, and the bottom will be the top).
If when dimpling, the builder just grabs both the parts and dimples both of them from the same side, when he fits them on the other side, the dimples will be going the wrong way.

FYI In the future I suggest you post an RV-14 specific question in the RV-14 specific forum. There is a bunch of veteran builders that probably would have answered you right away, that might not have seen your question here in the general forum.
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Thanks Scott- being a first time builder, I didn’t dimple the the right side shims, as I usually work sections independently. Working independent processes,I fit the parts individually. As I placed the shims on the right side bracket and compared to the left side, it was easy to see the required “ shim flip” before dimpling.
Thanks Scott- being a first time builder, I didn?t dimple the the right side shims, as I usually work sections independently. Working independent processes,I fit the parts individually.

That is a good plan.
Most of these types of warnings are because a lot of builders who have already gone before you, did not do that......;)
Another trick to eliminate confusion

This may be overkill and simplistic.
When I scratch my head over left and right parts, I copy the pdf of the plans page in question using the snipping tool or snapshot.

Paste the .jpg or .png result into MS Publisher or a photo editor and reverse the image to create the opposite of the plans. Print it and there's your answer.

Helps to make sense out of the left/right questions.