
Well Known Member
Has anyone had this experience? I've been told that some airports will refuse to rent out space to rv-12 pilots, but more specifically, Rotax pilots because they usually don't support the airport by buying any 100LL - as many pilots prefer mogas : cheaper fuel and fewer oil changes. Additionally, experimentals generally don't require much service from the on-field A&P shop..

In the Northeast here, hangar space is at a premium as airports turn into housing developments on a regular basis. So airport owners can raise rents and, apparently, pick and choose what types of aircraft engines they can make the most money on.
Rotax is an import so maybe it’s an illegal alien and part of the infestation on the east coast?

Statue of Liberty… Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free - but not Rotax.
I live in upper New York State, near Canada. There are not many Rotax 912 powered planes in this neck of the woods. (I currently fly a Zodiac 601 HDS with the Rotax 912ULS). The county airport that I fly out of does not show any prejudice against Rotax or Experimentals. Changing topic a bit, I have tried to get the airport to carry 94 Swift but for various reasons they have declined. I will be glad when a replacement for 100LL is approved, although that looks like it will be a while before it is in general use. I went to a Swift lecture at Oshkosh this year and they strongly implied that they would have a replacement by next year at Oshkosh, but Swift is currently working outside of the PAFI program so I don’t know how that will work out.
Damien Graham
I fly out of Deland, Florida (DED). We are on the other end of the spectrum. We are about to get Swiftfuel. They are developing a Light Sport Village and working on getting LS businesses into the airport. We have a couple of LS manufacturers and Rotax maintenance businesses on the field. Also a great Airport Manager. Quite a few EAB and LS aircraft based there. Long waiting list for hangars.
My local airport picks tenants based upon perceived income so if there is a hanger open and you have a twin, naturally you will annual two engines and buy twice the fuel so you move ahead of single engine, experimental and yes Rotax in line for hanger space. Been on lists for 18 years, subletting 1/2 a hanger from lease holders. Wish there were FAA regs but it appears it is up to the airport on who they serve.
As an option, though inconvenient, the wings on a RV-12 are removable.

Perhaps there is a trailer for storage in your future, and just rent long term outside overnight type space at the airport?

You'll need a flying buddy to help you put the wings on each time, or a table or two with wheels on them for support or built at the proper height to assist you installing the wings, or a jig of some sort?

Or your RV-12 goes up for sale, as is, before you install the avionics?

Some folks love the building process, some folks love the flying process, some folks love both. Which are you?
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Has anyone had this experience? I've been told that some airports will refuse to rent out space to rv-12 pilots, but more specifically, Rotax pilots because they usually don't support the airport by buying any 100LL...

Are you an AOPA member? A call to them might be in order if you have specific (not generic) information.

Same thing with EAA.

Both organizations will help you in an airport access fight.
It also is a big assumption by the FBO or airport manager that you'll use their A&P or buy their fuel.
It also is a big assumption by the FBO or airport manager that you'll use their A&P or buy their fuel.

I have to agree. Over the past 20+ years, with 3 aircraft, I?ve never had or heard of this type of discrimination.
Are you an AOPA member? A call to them might be in order if you have specific (not generic) information.

Same thing with EAA.

Both organizations will help you in an airport access fight.
^^^ THIS ^^^

We have had some local airport "issues" cleared up with a single call from AOPA. Can't hurt.

To the OP

send me an email with details. [email protected]

It is correct that if an airport has accepted federal funding, or even state funds n most cases, they cannot ?discriminate? based on type of aeronautical user. That includes LSA and the like.

Would be happy to help you out.
To the OP

send me an email with details. [email protected]

It is correct that if an airport has accepted federal funding, or even state funds n most cases, they cannot ?discriminate? based on type of aeronautical user. That includes LSA and the like.

Would be happy to help you out.

I see you?re hard at work! Check your pm?s.