Has anyone received a kit from Van's that included two steel brackets with instructions for modifying the F-01201 oil tank/battery box brackets? The instructions that came with the brackets (F-00194) are not clear about trimming off the semi-circular extensions on the F-01201.
I have received the same update. I haven't installed it yet, but I did trim out the pattern and test fit it. Didn't look right - then I realized Van's as updated this section of the plans and I was looking at the older revision. Look at page 9 here:

I think that helps to visualize what needs to be removed. In particular the circular notch in the F-01201E's needs to be enlarged/moved further back towards the firewall (I was trying to line up the notch in the pattern with the existing notch, and that didn't work).

If you look at what needs to be cut from behind, I think you'll see the mating portions of the F-01201E's - and likely the trimming needs to match up to these lines and not remove any more of the F-01201E than just the large tabs.
Thanks. I think you're right, based on the drawing. I did reach out to Van's support on this one, but haven't heard back. I'll post their response.
Apparently, the curved extension does get trimmed off. Here is the response that I received:

"As near as I can tell the curved flanges are now cut off even with the edges of the F-01201G."