
Hi All

I have just started my journey on looking at the RV12... I have always wanted to build an RV, and for the longest time, I have spent hours and hours reading up the forums and build sites on the RV10 - which is what I THOUGHT I wanted... BUT as life changes, I now do not need a 4 seater anymore, and am looking for a fun 2 seater - and I thought RV14, which would allow me to apply all my research (and mods planned) to the 14...

However, before I decide to carry on with the 14, I wanted to look at the 12 and see what is has to offer... I am looking for a side-by-side 2 seater, with good fuel economy and a decent range for XC flights (live in TX, and hope to make it to both coasts quite often)…

The reason I am considering an E-AB (12) is for the mods I have planned (albeit for the 10): Extended range fuel tank, AC, Upgraded Fuel/Brake Lines, Wheels/Brakes, Plush interior, O2 system, etc...

My question to y'all is: How is the 12 as an E-AB platform? What mods are recommended? What other mods have been made? What is not recommended for the 12? I have seen the thread on the mods for the E-LSA, but I was more curious on the E-AB additional mods that might have been done... Also, are there any good 12is build sites to read?

Thanks for the help... and I hope to join y'all soon!
Have you figured the extra time it will take to fly your planned cross country trips at 120 knots TAS instead of 170 knots, plus the extra fuel stops? I like the -12, and while it's certainly capable of long X/C travel it wouldn't be my first choice... unless you, like me, need to stay within the LSA envelope.
The 12 is very lightly designed to stay under LSA weight limits. It's not ideal for heavy mods like air conditioning... and it's slower. I'd say the 14 is definitely a better choice for you.
Virtually all of those mods you desire will significantly increase the Empty Weight of the RV-12 and result in less utility for what is already an excellent "Light Sport" design. The added Empty Weight would reduce your Useful Load to the point of the resultant aircraft being basically a single-seater. One could arbitrarily increase the Max Gross Weight limit of the airframe but that would take the aircraft beyond its engineered design parameters and would IMHO be extremely unwise and unsafe. For your desired mission a larger airframe is more appropriate. Perhaps an RV-7(A) or RV-14(A). With the larger airframes you have more flexibility as to desired mods, performance enhancements, and customization. Keep in mind however that airframe "lightness" is usually a significant performance enhancer.
Having built a few airplanes and recently flown my RV12 across the US and back (almost twice if you include the trip to KOSH in July as well), it's a lot of fuel stops, but generally three hours is my limit anyway as I desire to stand up and stretch my backside (and do the "drain & fill"). Compared to the Baron, there's a LOT more windshield in, I spent about 36 flight hours going from the Bay Area to Florida and back with my wife in September doing 118KTAS trip average speed.

If you're trying to decide and contemplate cross country flight, and it's a viable option for you, the 14 would be a no-brainer choice for a 2-seater, IMHO. The other mid-point option between those two could be the 9A, but the 14 being the more modern model with an amazing build kit would get my vote in terms of build time and mission fulfillment you described.
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Thank you all for the input...

Are there any Houston area owners that would be willing to show me either/both planes? Lunch on me :)