
Well Known Member
Just a heads-up that Vans presently has long lead times on the RV12 wing kit.

I placed an order for a slow-build wing kit on October 9. Vans predicted to start crating January 18, and then deliver about a month later.

On January 14, Vans announced that a vendor component for the wing spar was delayed due to COVID, which will push the schedule back by 2-3 months. Looks like it could be 7 months from order to delivery.

Keep that in mind as you plan you purchasing!

David Harris
Just out of curiosity...for these kit components with long lead times, does Van's get payment at the time of ordering, or at the time of delivery?
Wing kit purchase

I ordered my -12iS wing back in July and paid, I believe, a 25% deposit at that time. I paid the remainder at time of kit shipment in October. It arrived in perfect condition, and after inventory it was sort only a couple of nut plates. Vans had those to me within a week.
Kit delay

Did Vans notify you about the delay? How did you find out about it? I ordered my wing kit back in November and at that time they listed a "crate" date of Feb 8.
Thanks for the heads up. Website currently says 14 weeks. I hope new orders won't have a 7 month lead time, but just in case, I sent an email to Van's. I will post their response here.
Response from Van's: "the lead time on the 12 wings was 14 weeks, but now that we have Covid going thru that department, we might need to extend the lead times out a bit. You might want to plan for 16-18 weeks."

This is for NEW orders. If you have an existing order, you will have to contact Van's if you want an updated estimate for your kit.
Just a heads-up that Vans presently has long lead times on the RV12 wing kit.

I placed an order for a slow-build wing kit on October 9. Vans predicted to start crating January 18, and then deliver about a month later.

On January 14, Vans announced that a vendor component for the wing spar was delayed due to COVID, which will push the schedule back by 2-3 months. Looks like it could be 7 months from order to delivery.

Keep that in mind as you plan you purchasing!

David Harris
I too would like to know where/how you found out about this additional delay. I ordered my wing kit on 9-24-20. As if yesterday, Vans said my kit was in crating, however, could not give me an updated delivery date due to Covid... no mention of the vendor part issue.