
Just want to get an opinion on the safety wire shown in the Rotax Installation manual on the throttle cable sleeve. Van's section 50 Engine Controls does not indicate this step. Good idea?

Just want to get an opinion on the safety wire shown in the Rotax Installation manual on the throttle cable sleeve. Van's section 50 Engine Controls does not indicate this step. Good idea?


That's an interesting question. The Rotax IM does show the cable safety wired however it is a different type of cable. With that type of cable the cable sheath can pull out of the adjusting screw.


Van's installation has you discard the Rotax adjusting screw hardware and they furnish a cable with threaded end on the sheath. So it is a different installation then that of the Rotax manual. However, as shown in this photo the choke cables are the type that should be safety wired to prevent the sheath from pulling out. I know this because I had the adjustment screw on my starboard carb choke cable loosen and allow the choke cable sheath to pull out resulting in the choke being halfway activated, rough running and plug fouling.


There is still the question of whether the throttle cable in the Van's installation should should be safety wired somehow.
if the safety wire is truly just wrapped around as shown in the photo is it worthless.
The safety wire on a ROTAX cable assembly is to keep the outer cable housing from sliding out of the fitting when the tension is released.
The safety wire on a ROTAX cable assembly is to keep the outer cable housing from sliding out of the fitting when the tension is released.

Oh, OK. I think I tried that on my bicycle cable when I was age 10. It didn't work then either. Perhaps my wrap wasn't perfect.