Hello all
Just bought a rv 12 and noticed that the spar pin light was lit and the engine would not start the owner said that he was told that it was probably a faulty sensor and the pins are in place ok just touch the top of the pins and it should deactivate the light which it did.
Any help to sort this out would be appreciated
ThNks in advance
If it's an older one (not sure about the new ones), there is a magnet glued into the top of each latch pin. One of mine came loose, and would occasionally cause that symptom. All I have to do is push down on the tip of the latch pin to re-seat the magnet, and all's well. Next time I'm in there (and remember it) I need to dab a little epoxy or put a drop of superglue on it.

The alignment of the reed switch can also be a little touchy. You can adjust the position of the switch for more reliable operation. One of mine needed about 1/8" of adjustment right after I bought it.
You can always push the spar pin light in and the engine will start with it depressed and continue to run with it un-depressed.
Move the magnetic reed switch closer to the magnet. Or better yet, mount the reed switch parallel to the magnet.
I fought mine longer than I should have, finally achieved success by bending the legs on the clamps to allow a better relationship between the switch and the magnets.
I had the same problem and fixed it by taking about I/8? off the tubes to better expose the magnets - works perfectly now.

I helped a guy fix his. It was actually a bad reed switch, so I recommend putting a strong magnet up against the switch first to be sure it?s not magnet position that is causing the issue.