
Active Member
Hello fellow RV'ers:

So when I turn on the master swith, the two ignitions and run the engine/props, the battery does not show charging. The main battery is almost new, and have no issues starting the engine. After which, would assume alternator takes over and should be charging the battery. But its not, and the volts subsequently drops below 11.5v.

Any thoughts?

I pulled then pushed back back in the generator master fuse with no noticeable effect.

Think its regulartor or some other issue?

Voltage regulator.

Check all the usual stuff like wiring and connectors.
Voltage regulator may have failed. Common item to go bad. I put in a $20 John Deere VR. 100+ hours no problem. And for the price, I ordered 2 extra for spares.
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Sounds good. I will order one, any particular instruction on installation of it? Do I need to order any compound to be put on or does it come with all needed?

Correct me if wrong, but I think that Rotax calls for heat sink compound on spark plug threads.
That same compound can be used between metal parts when mounting the voltage regulator.
So, the John Deer wasn't a help (it was only $20, so not a big damage), since I have a Silent Hektik F4120 installed. So any idea how to install it (mine was not built by me). Does it have a compound that it is holding to the firewall side? Also, where to order it?
The Rotax 912 ULS is equipped with what is really a "generator" not an "alternator" -- see:

As such the generator does not generate very many amps when the engine is operating at relatively low RPMs -- say 1,800-2,200 RPMs. At such low RPMs the generator will not charge the battery and you may see yellow warning indications and low readings on your Voltage and Amperes gauges. Do your low voltage and amperes indications increase if the engine is operated at typical cruise RPMs? If so, your electrical system may be operating normally. In cruise flight (@ 5,250 RPM) I typically see @ 13.9-14.0 Bat Volts and 1 Bat Amp with all electrical loads operating.
The Rotax 912 ULS is equipped with what is really a "generator" not an "alternator" -- see:

As such the generator does not generate very many amps when the engine is operating at relatively low RPMs -- say 1,800-2,200 RPMs. At such low RPMs the generator will not charge the battery and you may see yellow warning indications and low readings on your Voltage and Amperes gauges. Do your low voltage and amperes indications increase if the engine is operated at typical cruise RPMs? If so, your electrical system may be operating normally. In cruise flight (@ 5,250 RPM) I typically see @ 13.9-14.0 Bat Volts and 1 Bat Amp with all electrical loads operating.


Yes, I did get low voltage indicators when the airplane operated normally, however, the amps not charging at all, so I am betting on the VR going south, per many of the threads. So now the issue is, I have a F4120 Silent Hektic VR, but they are obsolute. What's a good pin-for-pin replacement if any one knows, or what other alternatives do I have?
Here is wiring for.John Deere VR...


Thanks for this diagram. I take it that the white goes to battery minus terminal. The two orange are going to the generator. The missing one is the EFIS light indicated. But where is the first yellow wire going to? And how has it work out for you so far? Did you use a heat sink compound to hold it to the firewall?
Just an update that I ordered the B&C which is Van's recommended replacement for the F4120 (Silent Hektik). Its a pin for pin replacement.