
Well Known Member
Got back in the air after installing my Gearbox. At about 2000 ft climbing to 2500 ft into the flight I had a Canopy latch failure. Noticed wind and light on the sides of my canopy. After a quick inspection, I saw a 4-5 inch opening at the back on the sides. First thought was I forgot close the latch, then looked up and the inside portion of the latch dropped out. Immediately started thinking and the only thing I could remember was “fly the plane” which I did.

I did not declare an emergency, just turned back and started slowing down and loosing altitude. It was a non event. Not sure if the set screw came loose or sheered off. I did have lock tight on the set screw. I checked the outside surfaces for damage after I landed with no damage :)



Corrected Short edited video - I had to remove the Xmradio it was blocked

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Nice work getting her down and not panicking! I tried to watch video but it is blocked on YouTube for some reason (says UMPG Publishing copyright issues?)

Anyway, I’m always curious about that possibility of the set screw simply coming loose.
Nice work getting her down and not panicking! I tried to watch video but it is blocked on YouTube for some reason (says UMPG Publishing copyright issues?)

Anyway, I’m always curious about that possibility of the set screw simply coming loose.

I had to remove the xmradio music due to copyright music in the background :rolleyes:
Interesting. I would have thought there’d be more of a pitching moment.

No major pitching, just added a little more trim, but not much. Starting slowing her down and began the descent back to the airport.
I always wondered how much the canopy would “float” if the latch failed. Nice to file away and hopefully never experience!