
What is the real world experience with RV 12’s operating off turf?

Not asking about backcountry types of operations, but good air park, municipal or private turf strips.

We are moving to a private air park in central Oklahoma, 2700 foot of nice Bermuda, and I’m wondering how a 12 would fair.

Our airfield has both asphalt and grass runways. No issues taking off and landing on grass.
What is the real world experience with RV 12’s operating off turf?

Not asking about backcountry types of operations, but good air park, municipal or private turf strips.

We are moving to a private air park in central Oklahoma, 2700 foot of nice Bermuda, and I’m wondering how a 12 would fair.


Which OK air park?
I have 700 hours operating early SN RV-12 off pvt grass strip. I have repaired main gear carry-thru channel which may be result of rough operations.
Been flying off my farm grass strip of 1400 ft. for 12 years.

1250 hours. No problems .

Brad Stiefvater
Salem South Dakota
Hi. I haven't done many, but I have landed a couple times at a local airport with a grass field. Nothing unusual to report.. standard "soft field" TO&L technique. I was a little concerned about the wheel pants.. but they were fine too.