Hello guys.

I am trying to setup my w&b in ForeFlight but not sure what to put in the forward and aft cg limits. I keep getting an error so I removed them. The other weight are based on the documentation I have for the other weights. Any assistance would be great.


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The rv10 forward cg limit is 107.84”. The aft limit is 116.24”.
I just pulled this off the internet.
I find it astounding that any builder or pilot has to ask about this information .
Thanks for the assistance.

Bob your comment really puzzles me seeing that I have the information in there but ForeFlight is giving me an error message, which is what I’m trying to get assistance with. Thanks for your criticism.
Here is what mine looks like. I remember getting error messages when I set up ForeFlight W&B. It wasn’t as intuitive as you’d expect it to be.

I hate to see the critical comments on these forums. Makes most of us mere mortals not want to ask questions. Good on you for calling it out.

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The rv10 forward cg limit is 107.84”. The aft limit is 116.24”.
I just pulled this off the internet.
I find it astounding that any builder or pilot has to ask about this information .

Pretty sure the OP knew that; setting it up in FF, however, can be a bit confusing as the way it is worded isn't as clear as it could be...