Ok sorry to intrude in the heavy aircraft forum....

I'm building a 14A myself and am setting a record for the worlds longest build though I have recently picked up steam. While I am out of parts on my project awaiting the next delivery from Vans, I'm helping my buddy build his 10. (Yes I seriously have the bug now and just need to be riveting something every day)

We noticed an error or omission in his plans (His kit he picked up on the second hand market for some of it and some of it was done a long time ago).

Something that has helped me on my 14 resolve the difference between the sections of my kit and their ages is the RV14 Wiki. which is the PDF plans for our aircraft that someone crosslinked to VAF which is pretty much the best phone a friend resources without bothering the other people in Spruce Creek with my questions.

So long way of posting. Is there a set of PDF/WIKI for the 10 like this for the 14?

Random Thought


I've looked once, maybe twice at the 14 wiki. I'm not exactly sure how to use it. BUT, I think it would be interesting to have the following.

  • A cross reference developed over time to identify where major components are located in the plans, perhaps a drawing number and revision would be appropriate. (Not to include things like rivets and snap bushings, but otherwise.)
  • There are a number of great threads in this forum for which a link back to VAF would be helpful - particularly if searchable by a page, step, or part number. I think this is one of the features of the 14 wiki. This would have to be certain to respect Doug's wonderful site and VANs proprietary documentation. It would be appropriate to seek Doug's blessing....
  • Descriptions of VANS offered options for assistance in ordering major components (we just ordered an engine and it was intimidating to the uninitiated).

Just some random thoughts.

Best regards,
If you register your kit (builder number) in Van’s new store area. You can access the most recent version of the plans electronically.
I built the RV 14 WIKI. I used the at time thumb drive pdfs and full version of adobe acrobat. In the full version you can add notes, hyperlinks, and even extra pages. It’s just a Dropbox folder with a bunch of PDFs. The WIKI Is meant to be a visual search of plans issues on the specific plan pages.

I didn’t like the build process of working till you get stuck then looking for solutions on VAF or contacting tech support on a weekend and trying to guess the correct words to use in the VAF search. I wanted to know the gotchas or tricks before I got there.

The way the WIKI works is all the salmon colored boxes are verbatim titles from an RV 14 topic on VAF relating to that part of the plans either as someone’s question or gotcha. The boxes are also hyperlinks to the VAF thread so you can read all about the issue as discussed on VAF. The idea is to see other peoples questions or issues before you have one and then waste time because you have to start trying to find a topic by clunky word search.