
Has anybody heard of a plan to repair/reinforce the laser cut RV10 fuselage Center Section Bulkhead (F-1005A) yet? Replacing is not practical without a total tearing apart of a fuselage. With time running out to file a claim I would have expected something to come from Van's on this, but last time I asked I got nothing useful from them. Without a fix for this a fuselage is close to worthless, whether it be a QB (as is my case) or a slow build. There are several other yellow parts that look pretty challenging too.
Has anybody heard of a plan to repair/reinforce the laser cut RV10 fuselage Center Section Bulkhead (F-1005A) yet? Replacing is not practical without a total tearing apart of a fuselage. With time running out to file a claim I would have expected something to come from Van's on this, but last time I asked I got nothing useful from them. Without a fix for this a fuselage is close to worthless, whether it be a QB (as is my case) or a slow build. There are several other yellow parts that look pretty challenging too.

This part is difficult to replace but is easy to inspect. My SB kit showed this part was produced within the window of laser cut parts, but I’m 99% sure it was punched. Yours very well might be too.

One way to tell or at least have piece of mind is to drill out some of the skin rivets and look for cracks in the dimples under 10x magnification. If you don’t see any, I know I would happily conclude no LCP and build on.

Not all of the LCP vendors had issues. The parts on my -10 that are definitely LCP do not have the notches that I’ve seen on other parts people have posted. And none of my LCP parts cracked when dimpled.
I hope you are right. I studied the rear spar bulkhead assembly F-1005A small holes that don't have rivets in them yet and I don't see the obvious laser cutting that is present on my engine baffles and parts in my tail kit. The large holes with plastic bushings in them on the spar bulkhead are definitely punched - smooth as can be. I would speculate that ALL of the holes were done either by punch or laser, not a combination of the two processes on one part. I hope I am correct on that. My yellow category parts appear to be punched also, but a closer look is needed, but I have no sign of any cracks yet.
RV10 plans page 25-1 show the "Rear Spar Bulkhead" as F-1005A. Van's LCP replacement portal says "Center Section Bulkhead" is recommended for replacement but they use the part number F-1005A. Does anybody know which one is correct....for sure?