
I have a hangar neighbor that just got his airworthy certificate and is looking to start flying off his 40 hours. We are under the MSP mode C veil. What have others done with their ADS-B and Transponder during this initial period.

1) Get a transponder deviation from ATC and fill out ADS-B Adapt for every flight (well, Adapt for first flight and trans dev for every)?

2) Try to get a radio repair station to come perform a transponder check on airport and fill out ADS-B Adapt for first flight?

3) ????? Just fly the **** thing ?????

I don't think there is a repair station within his stage 1 flight area.

Why hasn't the transponder been checked out IAW with 91.413? What airport will he be flying out of? If you 're under the MSP mode-c veil I guarantee you there's an avionics shop relatively close by that could do the 413 inspection.
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Why hasn't the transponder been checked out IAW with 91.413? What airport will he be flying out of? If you 're under the MSP mode-c veil I guarantee you there's an avionics shop relatively close by that could do the 413 inspection.

25D, Forest Lake, MN

I don't believe there is a radio repair station within his Stage 1 flight area. Not sure if SteinAir still does occasional remote airport checks, especially during this time of COVID.

So a quick search shows that Twin Cities Aviation, Inc. and Malibu Aerospace both do avionics service. My guess is either could knock out a 413 inspections -- the question is whether they have a mobile service that can come to his hangar. Just takes a phone call to find out. They are located at KANE only 11 miles from 25D. And this is from just looking at one nearby airport -- there are plenty of others in the general area that might have an avionics shop that can do the inspection.

Other options would be to call the nearest FBO or EAA chapter and see if they have any recommendations.

The point here is there's usually always options living when living that close to a metro area. No reason to pursue waiver's or other paperwork hoop jumping when the required inspection can be done with just a little detective work.
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