
Well Known Member
It’s a long shot but does anyone have a finishing kit that they are not ready for?
I have one on order that is due September/October but I’m at a stand still. If anyone is willing to trade me theirs for mine we could just have mine shipped right to you on my dime.
PM or email [email protected]
I wish. Mine was ordered May 2021 due May 2022 and still waiting for any word.

It would be very nice if Van's could ship partial kits to help alleviate this. I'd love to have an engine mount at this point...
It would be very nice if Van's could ship partial kits to help alleviate this. I'd love to have an engine mount at this point...

I talked to Vans and they said they can ship anything in stock thru the normal parts store at full retail price. That’s all they are willing to do. Full retail for the 2 door kits are $4600 while the price for doors as part of kit is about $2300.
They said they won’t ship partial kits out.