RV double vertical roll? Ha! :D Even in the Pitts, by the time I've completed the second roll, it's just a torque roll at this point, and it's on the way back down. It only counts if the ailerons still work when you finish the roll. :D I saw some 3/4 rolls before you pulled out of them. How much more can you get out of the Rocket?
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Cool stuff Smokey! To paraphrase ZZ Top, "Saw it in the X"

Good X factor...me like! I think we should try to answer the mail on Sandifer's (Eric's) last question! What say you? ;)

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Say Smokey

IIRC, your airplane is carbed, not FI, so during your recovery from the vertical rolls, do you simply add elevator to recover and keep things positive G?

Rolling the wrong way

I think you would do a little better if you rolled to the left. Should be faster roll rate.
double grin

Smoke, beautiful video and flying. Just wish you'd come visit us at one of our IAC meets so the hard core acro types could appreciate how well the RVs can perform at Sportsman level with a good pilot.
RV-4 slider
I think you would do a little better if you rolled to the left. Should be faster roll rate.

I saw Rob's walk-around video linked to this one, and he's got a fixed-pitch MT prop, which has MUCH less mass than a metal prop. So there is very little torque effect with the MT compared to a metal prop, and roll rate differences between left and right will be negligible. At low speeds, a metal prop can produce a small difference, the degree depending on several factors including prop mass vs. aircraft mass and wingspan. The ergonomics of having your left hand on the stick favor rolling right.
Down line...

Thanks Guys! Really appreciate the kind words. The X current configuration is pretty simple, 0320/Catto 2 blade(sold the MT)and a Swick inspired basic inverted oil for minor negative excursions. RV guys who have flown it consider the handling "very light" compared to stock. It reminds me of the Thorp T-18/RV3. Eric/Willy, thanks for the words of experience, I would love to attend an IAC event! 2012 resolution!

Merry Christmas!
PS: Pierre, my carb has the "Luscombe aerobatic mod' I can chat offline about. Painfully simple and limited, but works neat!
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Phone mount?

How have you got your iPhone mounted? Got a picture?
Makes for a great video!
Very nice video! I am inspired to get back into some aerobatics.

I take it you are talking about an oil accumulator? Great idea if it is.

Aerobatic mod to the carb? You have a catalog of mods on that aeroplane.... Now remind me; what does it weigh?

Doug Gray
Surfin Music

I saw Rob's walk-around video linked to this one, and he's got a fixed-pitch MT prop, which has MUCH less mass than a metal prop. So there is very little torque effect with the MT compared to a metal prop, and roll rate differences between left and right will be negligible. At low speeds, a metal prop can produce a small difference, the degree depending on several factors including prop mass vs. aircraft mass and wingspan. The ergonomics of having your left hand on the stick favor rolling right.

Smokey Ray,
Who did the music for the clip. It's not the Ventures, but good non the less!
Upside down...

The 940# X does have a basic oil accumulator designed by Jim Swick originally for Curtis Pitts. The Carb has a short line that feeds when the float shuts off, seen on a Luscombe when I was a kid. The Luscombe guy used to make inverted flybys and I wondered how. Amazingly simple :)

Danny, the music is Dick Dale, one of my favorite guitar guys...
