
Well Known Member
This weekend is the EAA RV Workshop in Watsonville, CA. I am signed up and really looking forward to it :D.

Is there anybody that has completed this course and have any advice of what I should bring or study beforehand? I do have the 9A preview plans.


Hopefully, someone will leave some advise. I will also be there. Looking forward to starting my RV-7.

My son and I will be there as well and we're looking forward to it. We are working on the horiz stab of an RV-7. I'm bringing lots of questions...
I went in November 2007 and it was taught by Dan C. of RV-7 fame. Great don't really need to bring anything except some enthusiasm. We built two little projects for hands on with the various tools...buddy up with someone to do them so you get some back and forth learning going also. Plans for the projects are provided and Dan went over the basics of everything as part of the class.

Well worth the two days.