
Well Known Member
Has anybody out there experimented with a negative flap setting in cruise on a RV? A friend of mine purchased a CT Light Sport which has a -12 degree flap setting for cruise. He says it picks up about 15 knot when put in the negative setting. Anybody have feedback on this? Thanks Tom
Use the search function

Run a search on "negative flap" and "reflex flap" Lots of posts and discussion.
In addition to my 7 I have an Avid MKIV with a STOL wing which uses -6 reflex on the flaperon in cruise. If I remember it made about a 3 MPH difference. On my 7, my flaps would be about -3 degrees if allowed to go completely up. Before setting a joggle to limit them in the full up position I decided to do some tests during phase I using the -3 reflex and zero positions. The difference between the two positions is negligible. I really can't determine any speed difference in cruise or stall speeds. When moving from the zero position to the -3, I can feel a slight loss of lift and compensate with a slight pitch change, but that is about it. My cruise speed may in fact be too slow to see an impact with a reflexed flap. I am in the process of finishing up the wheel fairings and will retest when complete. I don't believe the 7/8 wing would benefit significantly from the use of reflexed flaps. If you search on "reflex" there are several threads mostly RV-10 related on the subject.
Has anybody out there experimented with a negative flap setting in cruise on a RV? A friend of mine purchased a CT Light Sport which has a -12 degree flap setting for cruise. He says it picks up about 15 knot when put in the negative setting. Anybody have feedback on this? Thanks Tom
I can't say that I've tried it in a RV, but we do use -6 deg flaps on the CT here in the US - other countries get -12 flaps, but the CT is too fast for the LSA rules with -6. It adds about 10, maybe 15 kt and the airplane really accelerates (and sinks a little) when you go from 0 to -6 degrees.