Yes. In the last 20 years it’s become unwise to have phone numbers listed on the Internet, so now you’ll just have to reach out to people here privately using the conversations feature.
Yes. In the last 20 years it’s become unwise to have phone numbers listed on the Internet, so now you’ll just have to reach out to people here privately using the conversations feature.
Thanks Doug, seems reasonable. That said, I've had occasions where I wanted to reach out to someone (whose name I wouldn't know) in the area of a planned destination. Perhaps for thoughts on local airport options, although that's easy enough with a thread post. The other reason might be to see if someone in the area wanted to get together for a cup of coffee, look at each others' airplanes, etc... I'm still learning the new format, but haven't seen a place to look for VAFers by location (state, city). If that's still available, where is it? If not, might it become an enhancement?
Thanks Doug, seems reasonable. That said, I've had occasions where I wanted to reach out to someone (whose name I wouldn't know) in the area of a planned destination. Perhaps for thoughts on local airport options, although that's easy enough with a thread post. The other reason might be to see if someone in the area wanted to get together for a cup of coffee, look at each others' airplanes, etc... I'm still learning the new format, but haven't seen a place to look for VAFers by location (state, city). If that's still available, where is it? If not, might it become an enhancement?
As an alternative, you can always post a request in the Regional sub-forums:
Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 4.38.50 PM.png

Forum List view:
As an alternative, you can always post a request in the Regional sub-forums:
View attachment 56568

Forum List view:
Tx. That works, and I certainly understand why phone numbers would be omitted, but city and state don't seem like that big of an issue. Not sure that it adds all that much to what you'd get with a Google search w/o it. It's not that big of a deal and I can certainly live w/o it, but it doesn't seem to fit what I thought a statement that I thought I saw with the rollout of the new format that essentially all functionality carried over. Losing the ability to search by location certainly makes it more difficult to know who you might want to reach out to. By way of example, I have a daughter in Ames, IA. Posting to a sub-forum changes a search I used on the old site with a roughly 30 nm radius (Ames, Boone, Ankeny), to one that blasts to 17 states. C'est la vie.