
Well Known Member
Hey gang,

Does anyone have have any decent video of RV action?

I've watched Van's promotion video so many times I'm getting sick of it!

I'd like something on DVD that shows RVs. Taking off, landing, taxiing, just sitting there.

Home video quality is fine!! Just something I can pop on when I come in for the night from working on the -8, relax with a scotch and veg out to for 20 minutes or so before bed! Gotta keep the fever pitch going!!

I'd be willing to cover your costs of course.

Help, I need a fix!! :D:D:D:D
You can PM me with your mailing address, and I'll send you the better quality DVD RV-4 Aerobatics Sky Dancing with 3 practice sessions, a fast take-off, landing, and some taxi in there too with commercial music. Free of charge. I like playing the video and using youtube for background music with favorites.
Bill McLean
Eyeball Mechanic
One of my favorites....

Here is a great Youtube clip I found one day. It is an RV-4 and an RV-8 doing some sunset aerobatics and low-level beach flying. The video was shot from a tail cam in the -8, so really the video is of the -4 in trial. In any case, it is awesome and really shows what these planes are all about. If the owner of the video is on this forum.....thanks!
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