
have an rv6 based in ireland looking for instructor to come over spend a week training me in on this aircraft not many in this country private strip 650 mts grass 750 tarmac flights and accomadation etc sorted see ireland from the air fantastic views


You can e-mail me directly with more detail and we can see what we can work out. I have several question as I am sure you do as well.

Jim Delveau
jdelveau (.at.) msn (.dot.) com
Is early November soon enough?

I'd love to come over for a week or so!

I'm very busy spraying crops at present but early November would work,

Training in IFR


While I'm quite certain DRV is more knowledgable on the November weather in Ireland, I can attest that 2 years ago it rained almost every day. Might not be too good for flight training.

I can also attest however, it didn't rain a drop in the pubs! :D:D:D