Fernando! Good to see you are still enjoying your RV-8! You guys look great, I'd love to see your show one of these days.

Let me know if you ever get up this way!

Hi Lee,

We have been invited to fly at Fidae 2016, if we made a good show, maybe we may fly to USA to show our planes someday!!!


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Team RV

Very nice guys. Enjoyed it alot. You make it look so easy which we all know it's not.

Keep em coming.

Fly safe.
You guys are going to be a hit at FIDAE, no doubt. Gulfstream will be there, but I won't, I'm retiring at the end of March (headed to Europe for the rest of the year on my KTM). I'll get one of the guys I know who will be there to come by and say hello for me. My motorcycle riding will bring me through Chile in 2 or 3 years. I'll let you know when I'm in the area...


I really like the three ship, one upside down, in the turn. They are some real pilots.