
Well Known Member
We're starting to put together some video stories of RV builder/owners and their airplanes, and how their lives are impacted and shaped by their airplane. We've decided to use the especially creative term "RV Stories" for this series of interviews. While the aircraft are certainly fun and amazing, our life stories and the relationships we form are, too.

First up, the one and only Doug Reeves! You can click the image to go to the video.

We have more interviews "in the can," as well as a great list of people to talk to in the future. But all are welcome to send in your info, so if you or someone you know would like to tell the story, please let us know. Emailing [email protected] is a good way to do that.

Brad Pitt has nothing to worry about, but I was happy and honored to help out Greg when he asked. He even left in the little extra after the credits <g>.

Greg made it easy and fun - you should consider telling your RV story to him.​
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Pretty cool story. All this time I thought I must be the only one crazy enough to buy a kit before I can even fly!!!! Awesome how it has changed your life so much.

Inspirational for me if anything. Thanks for sharing!
Doug, that was great. I've been officially on the forum since 06/06 (old username of S4lorne), but this is the first time I've heard you speak. :)

Great story, and no matter what you said you come across very genuine and humble.

Thanks for making this happen so we can all connect!

Good job, Dougie! But I think you should have worn a black wig and used a voice synthesizer so we wouldn’t know what you really look and sound like. Maybe some pump-up pec muscles would interest the ladies, too! :D
Great vid and idea, Nice to meet you our host, what a great story! Thank you for this site!
Great story Doug, I like hearing of good things happening to good people.